The youth of every generation hear the same refrain from elders – “We never had it so easy or as comfortable at you.” We too heard it from our parents, uncles, and aunts and I can now see my peers commenting the same to their kids, nephews, and nieces.
But sometimes, I think, it’s quite the opposite!
While the age-old pressures of getting good scores, securing a seat in a prestigious institution etc. are further intensified, today’s young are also battling newer pressures of modern times.
The virtual world that is not really known to you is the one that decides your social standing! You are the centre of attention at one moment but one incident and you find yourself completely isolated. Your life experiences today are resulting from a host of factors that are totally out of your control!
Life was unpredictable for us too; there were ups and downs. But never was it so fast-paced, ever-changing, fragile, uncertain, and at times, confusing. So much so, that some very smart people have coined a term for it – VUCA world – Volatile Uncertain Complex and Ambiguous.
So, if you feel overwhelmed by the pressures, depressed by some outcomes, find yourself unable to cope with the uncertainties, know that you are not alone!
How do you face such a VUCA world then? Get just two things under your belt, and you will be ready! They are – Resilience and Empathy.
Resilience is the ability to embrace every situation, good or bad, that comes your way and adjust, recover, and bounce back from every adversity or difficult times.
As is said in this Shloka from the Panchatantra –
व्यसनेष्वेव सर्वेषु यस्य बुद्धिर्न हीयते। स तेषां पारमभ्येति तत्प्रभावादसंशयम्॥
It means –
व्यसनेषु एव सर्वेषु - Even in all (any) difficulties / obstacles
यस्य बुद्धिः न हीयते - One whose intellect does not decline / decay
सः तेषां पारम् अभ्येति - He undoubtedly crosses them (the difficulties)
तत् प्रभावात् असंशयम् - due to the strength of that intellect itself.
In short, one who stays calm, composed, and unwavering in difficult situations, will surely surpass all those difficulties due to that quality itself!
If you contemplate a bit on the term “resilience” and how to acquire it – you will remember many things we have discussed in the past.
Embracing Nature, its elements and staying in harmony with them helps you stay grounded and not wish for stuff beyond your needs. Thus not having to face disappointment often.
Not becoming a slave to Desire makes you indifferent to the rat race around you.
Being a Seer/द्रष्टा and a Witness/साक्षी, not a Doer/कर्ता or Enjoyer/भोगता helps you stay unattached and unaffected through life’s ups and downs.
Accepting that every moment – good or bad, shall pass (एतद् अपि गमिष्यति) makes you stoic and resilient.
Just as you spend time in acquiring knowledge, skills, and education in the field of your choice, do devote some time to developing resilience. It will undoubtedly make your life journey more enriching.
Dear Praju,
Finally read through one of your posts. Apologies for not venturing here earlier. I agree that resilience is a super important skill. And it only comes with experience - if we stay too much in the comfort zone, these experiences will elude us and therefore rob us of the lesson in resilience. That's when life throws curve balls and ensures that we do learn it. My take on this is to proactively seek experiences by consciously going out of the comfort zone, and keep flexing the resilience muscle. After all, practice makes perfect :)
Praju good one
Just one comment
Drushta Seer is a difficult concept
Esp as we always are closer to the Doer
Mayve that requred a small clarification
How to change the mindset to be a Sakshi n not a Karta