What is the one thing that all living beings want?
The answer is simple – “to be happy”… all your goals, aims and aspirations be in terms of wealth, education, hobbies or fitness subsume in this one objective of being happy!
Though the answer is simple, the pursuit of happiness is not that easy! After a lot of effort, one does find happiness only to realize that it is so fleeting! Some obstacles or a challenge or failure seems to come up and you get dethroned from the seat of happiness too soon! Doesn’t this happen with most of us?
What if I told you that a very simple Happiness Mantra has been given by मनु / Manu thousands of years ago?
मनु (Manu), in Hinduism, is believed to be the First Man – the progenitor of humanity. There is a book the मनुस्मृति (Manu-Smriti), dated around 1st to 3rd CE, attributed to him that is considered to contain the Dharma Shastras (Laws of Righteous Living). This scripture is in the form of a dialogue between a teacher and his disciples.
One shloka contained therein is –
सर्वं परवशं दुःखं सर्वमात्मवशं सुखम्। एतद् विद्यात्समासेन लक्षणं सुखदुःखयोः॥
It means –
सर्वं परवशं दुःखं all that is dependent on others is sorrow (pain)
सर्वम् आत्मवशं सुखम् all that is dependent on oneself is happiness (pleasure)
एतद् विद्यात् समासेन know that this, in short,
लक्षणं सुखदुःखयोः is the definition of Happiness and Sorrow (Pleasure and Pain)
Sage Manu has wisely said – only what is in your control can give you happiness. What is dependent on others is bound to cause sorrow.
If you think about the last 5 incidents when you were unhappy, you will realize that it was either because someone did not do something you expected from them, or something did not happen the way you thought it would or it was a result of some external factor not in your control.
Your friend misbehaved, and you were hurt.
Your colleague did not complete his task well and you had to stay back to do it.
Your teacher scolded you in front of the whole classroom humiliating you.
…and so on…
The more you take control of your life, your choices, your actions and the more you reduce comparisons with, dependence on and expectations from others, the more you will find yourself in a happier, contented state.
No man is an island and hence, you will have to rely on others. But what is important is not to let your happiness depend on them.
Say, I have asked someone out on a date, whether he/she accepts or rejects is his/her choice, I will happy with whatever answer I get. If there is anything I need to change in myself (for the better) to make myself more “date-able” I will do it. If not, I will remain self-assured that I will find a like-minded person in the future!
This shloka is worth memorizing to heart so that you can recall it anytime when you are falling into the trap of expectations, comparisons or dependence and quote to yourself “सर्वं परवशं दुःखं… whatever is dependent on others can cause me pain”…
Whenever you think you are not doing enough to achieve your dreams, say “सर्वम् आत्मवशं सुखम्… what is in my control can give me pleasure.. I need to take control and work towards my goals!”
This one simple shloka can help you be happy. Try it out!
Beautiful post Prajakta! Thanks for sharing!
thanks for another great one. What makes your blog interesting is the choice of the topics - basics yet essential, everyday yet perennial and yes, its knowledge made simple!
Thanks Vikas mama!
Extremely true and powerful. Happiness is a choice and we need to make it every day and at every moment. One needs to find for oneself how to make that happen. It may be keeping away from negative people, meditating and/or through positive affirmations, remembering that this too shall pass, or looking at the positive side of things
Praju simple but fundamental great one