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अप्सु अन्तः अमृतम् / There is Amrit in Water

Writer's picture: Prajakta ShetyePrajakta Shetye

What is the one thing that all beings in the universe – humans, animals, plants and everything else on Earth – eagerly await?

Yes, it’s the Rains!

In tropical countries like the Indian Sub-continent, where Monsoon is a Season spanning 4 months, Rains are a welcome respite from the hot summer days for man, birds, animals and plants alike!

Every year, rains are getting delayed due to Climate Change and summers seem harsher and longer. But come rains, the environment changes overnight! Not only does it become cooler, but the dust settles down, surroundings become cleaner and more welcoming, and all elements of nature – living and non-living – grow happier 😊

We learnt about the Water Cycle in school and were taught it to be propounded by scientists of the West in the 16th Century. But when I started learning more about Hindusim, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that not only did our ancestors know all about the Water Cycle, but they also placed great importance on its proper usage and conservation.

The Vishnu Purana that dates a minimum of more than 2000 years ago, states –

विवस्वानर्ष्टाभर्मासैरादायापां रसात्मिकाः। वर्षत्युम्बु ततश्चान्नमन्नादर्प्याखिल जगत्॥


Which means –

The Sun absorbs the water in rasa form (moisture from all beings living and non-living) through its rays for eight months and then showers it (for the remaining four months). Food is created from this Water and from the Food, the entire World is nourished.

Right from Rigveda (the oldest Veda), Atharva veda to Upanishads and the Puranas, we find multiple suktis, shlokas and mantras on saving water, using water well, storing water and so on.

The Rigveda states – अप्स्वन्तरमृतमप्सु भेषजम्॥ -- ऋग्वेद 1-23-19 (अप्सु अन्तः अमृतम् अप्सु भेषजम्) Water has Amrita (nectar that gives immortality) in it, Water has Medicinal Properties 

Another tradition that has originated from the Vedic period is offering water first to any visitor. In all Hindu homes, guests are offered water without even asking for it. When someone visits your home, first water is served and then other things (tea/coffee/snacks) are offered. We don’t need to buy water in our restaurants and hotels. Potable, filtered water is served for free. You may buy Packaged Drinking Water Bottles at an extra cost.

In olden days, whenever a guest came home, first water was offered for washing hands and legs right outside the home and then drinking water was offered once seated inside.

Water nourishes, rejuvenates and cleanses. Our ancestors understood this important role that water plays.

A shloka in the Mahabharata goes thus –

अद्भिः सर्वाणि भूतानि जीवन्ति प्रभवन्ति च।तस्मात् सर्वेषु दानेषु तयोदानं विशिष्यते॥

tayo daanam

It means –

अद्भिः सर्वाणि भूतानि जीवन्ति प्रभवन्ति च - All living beings live and grow because of water

तस्मात् सर्वेषु दानेषु - Hence, amongst all donations,

तयोदानं विशिष्यत  - Donating water is special


Sometimes, as traditions get carried forth through the generations, the meaning behind them is lost. A point comes when we wonder why we need to follow this superstitious or unnecessary practice and we abandon it.

When the wisdom, the thoughts of our ancestors start getting replaced with modern conveniences, not only do we lose our culture, but we also lose our roots!

So next time, some oldie in your family says, go fetch some water for the visitor or leave some water for a stray animal or bird, know that by giving water to another soul you are not only doing a noble act of donation but also helping in keeping the water cycle going!


2 commentaires

Dr. Pradnya Malgundkar
Dr. Pradnya Malgundkar
16 juin 2024

खूप छान, हृदयस्पर्शी


Vikas Shirodkar
Vikas Shirodkar
16 juin 2024


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