Image by Purushottam Saini from Pixabay
Rounding up the first fortnight of the Hindu Calendar Year, Hanuman Jayanti is celebrated on Chaitra Pornima (Full Moon Day). It is the third celebration of the New Year after Gudi Padwa and Ram Navami.
Hanuman is one of the two favourite Gods of most children, the other one being Ganesha or Ganapati. The stories of his valour, mischief, intelligence, and single-minded devotion to Lord Rama abound in the Ramayana. He features in the Mahabharata and other Puranas as well.
When you delve into our scriptures, you cannot but marvel at the inclusiveness of our ancestors who respected each and every element of nature around them. On one hand, there is the phrase “monkeying around” in English, while in the Ramayana, we have an exiled Prince Rama lead a whole army of Monkeys to victory against a much more powerful King Ravana!
And Hanuman, who is one of the ministers of the Monkey-King, is one of the most important characters in the epic!
Though specially revered by ब्रह्मचारी / Celibates and Wrestlers, Hanuman is worshipped by all people of all genders and ages. A shloka explains why…
बुद्धिर्बलं यशो धैर्यं निर्भयत्वमरोगिता। अजाड्यं वाक्पटुत्वं च हनुमत्स्मरणाद्भवेत् ॥
It means -
बुद्धिः बलं यशः धैर्यं Intelligence, Strength, Smartness, Courage
निर्भयत्वम् अरोगिता Fearlessness, Good Health
अजाड्यं वाक्पटुत्वं च Absence of Laziness and Quick-wittedness
हनुमत्स्मरणात् भवेत् are obtained by remembering Hanuman
If you contemplate on these qualities, you realize that this is one winning combination we all should aim for!
What is the use of being intelligent (बुद्धिः) but not having the strength (बलम्) to take actions? Or having just brute strength (बलम्) without the smartness and sharpness (यशः) to know how, when and to what extent to use it?
Similarly, Intelligence, Strength and Smartness can translate into action only when one has the Courage or Confidence and the Motivation to execute the tasks!
Many a times, quick-wittedness or skilfulness in speech helps you to get out of sticky situations without having to use force.
On numerous occasions in the Ramayana – whether crossing the ocean to Lanka or getting captured in order to assess the enemy’s strength or lifting the Dronagiri Parvat for getting Sanjeevani – you will find these abilities being put to use.
Even in the Mahabharata, Hanuman features in an incident – showing his quick-wittedness, strength and intelligence – to give Bheema lessons in humility.
This shloka enumerates the 8 qualities you should aim for adding under your belt. Chanting it regularly serves as a reminder to strive for Intelligence, Strength, Sharpness, Confidence, Fearlessness, Health, Motivation and Quick-wittedness every single day.
In Hinduism, there are Seven Chiranjeevis (immortals, who don’t die and are guiding lights to humankind) and Hanuman is one of them.
Thus, whenever you achieve an impossible goal through strength, wisdom and courage, or you see someone coming out of a tricky situation with her quick-wittedness and intelligence, or you meet your fitness goals by stretching your limits, know that it is the Chiranjeevi Hanuman that is living within us!
श्रीरामदूतं शरणं प्रपद्ये / I bow to Shree Ram’s Messenger (Hanuman)
Jai Hanuman