The full moon day in the month of Vaishakha is celebrated as Buddha Pournima. This year it falls in the coming week on Thursday, 23rd May.
We all know that Gautama Buddha – born as Prince Siddhartha was immensely moved by the pain and suffering he saw around him. He saw the World as “माया / Unreal”, got on the path to seek the “Ultimate Truth” and when he found it, he attained मोक्ष / Nirvana / Enlightenment.
When I tried to understand this concept in my 20s and 30s, I found it difficult to see this World as a मिथ्या / falsehood. How can something that is so Real be an Illusion?
But today, you may understand it better – thanks to the Metaverse. We all are exposed to the Meta… we can have our Avatars there, buy property, scale mountains, go on dates, make friends, and even get killed right? But you know that the Avatar in the Metaverse is not the REAL YOU! The Real YOU is here in flesh and blood.
Now consider that this what you assume as "You", in flesh and blood is also not the “Real You”! The Real You is Your Atman, who has taken this Avatar in this life. Life will end, but the Atman will continue its journey beyond.
To remind us of this Truth everyday, we should recite the पवमान मन्त्र / Pavamaan Mantra from the बृहदारण्यक उपनिषद / Brihadaranyaka Upanishad during our daily meditation –
असतो मा सद्गमय । तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय । मृत्योर्माऽमृतं गमय ॥
Originally meant to be chanted by the Yajamaan as a praise to Soma, this mantra is now used in meditations for spiritual awakening.
It means –
असतः मा सत् गमय। Lead me from the Falsehood to the Truth
तमसः मा ज्योतिः गमय। Lead me from Darkness to the Light
मृत्योः मा अमृतं गमय। Lead me from Death to Immortality
Like many other mantras from the Scriptures, this mantra too has many layers of meaning. As you climb up the spiritual ladder, you will peel another layer and a whole new meaning will be revealed.
At a base level, it is a prayer to be truthful, righteous (refrain from dark/sinful actions) and fearless.
As is believed in Buddhism, and even mentioned in the BhagwadGeeta, our Atman/Soul has become sullied (dirty) and hence we are not able to see the Absolute Truth. As we meditate (on the Atman), practice Dharma (righteous behaviour) and become purer, the dirt on the soul starts getting cleaned. The light within starts shining brighter – think of the evolved souls you come across who seem to have an aura around them!
As you ascend, you keep peeling the layers and realize that this mantra is helping you to move from the Unreal Material World (असत्) to the Ultimate Truth (सत्), from the darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge, from the Mortal Body to the Immortal Atman...
.... eventually, to that Absolute Truth that Siddhartha Gautam realized and became “Buddha”.
Buddha is a Common Noun; denoting a Fully Enlightened Soul that has attained self-realization. Gautama was one such Buddha and there were, are and will be many others.
Hence the chant isn’t गौतमं शरणं गच्छामि but
बुद्धं शरणं गच्छामि – I take refuge in the Buddha
धम्मं शरणं गच्छामि – I take refuge in the Dharma (the righteous path)
सङ्घं शरणं गच्छामि – I take refuge in the Sangha (the righteous order)
The पवमान मन्त्र is a very powerful tool in our life journey.
If you are agitated, it calms you down.
If you are in a dilemma, it shows you the righteous path.
It makes you fearless of Death & the Unknown and furthers your spiritual progress. Include it in your daily meditation routine and experience the benefits yourself!
Nice. Simple n pointed. Loved the yse of avatars to exemplify Mithya