Alongwith the start of the new year, the month of Chaitra brings lots of festivities. The new year is celebrated on the first day ( प्रतिपदा / Pratipada) as गुढी पाडवा / Gudhi Padwa that we saw last week.
The चैत्र गौर / Chaitra Gaur (Goddess) is welcomed on the तृतीया / Tritiya (3rd Day). She is Goddess of Spring and Harvest – prosperity and fertility. As the roots of any civilization are in Agriculture, the Spring season always brought forth happiness and glee – the harvest season got in fruits of months of hard work and the Vedic people celebrated the gifts received from Nature.
Next on the नवमी / Navami (9th Day) the birth of Lord Rama / राम is celebrated while the birth of his loyal companion Shri Hanuman / हनुमान is celebrated on the पोर्णिमा / Pournima (Full Moon Day / 15th Day).
Over the centuries, as contexts, social orders and hierarchies changed, the story of Lord Rama & Devi Seeta and the incidents in Ramayana are something the youth of today no longer “identify” with!
But to put things in perspective, let’s say when adults tell kids that in our times we used to have new clothes made only twice a year or we never had a mobile phone or our own room, kids are quick to retort that don’t compare. If technology has advanced or our standard of living has improved and hence the newer generations are benefiting you can’t hold that against us. True!
But similarly, when it comes to stories from the Puranas and Vedas, we cannot judge the incidents of those times in today’s context. If a Ramayana or Mahabharat Katha takes place today, I am sure, the whole story would be much different and in line with today’s social norms and customs.
So rather than reject the Purana-Kathaas for some parts that one may not agree with today, why not accept the parts that are still very relevant – of following the righteous path, respecting elders, Gurus, your companions and peers, being compassionate, generous, valiant and courageous?
When one is on the topic of Prabhu Rama, one Stotra that everyone should learn by heart is the राम-रक्षा-स्तोत्रः/ Rama Raksha Stotra – composed by बुधकौशिक ऋषिः / BudhaKaushik Rishi. Chanting it daily helps to alleviate fear, increase longevity and forms a protective shield.
The 38-verse Stotra contains beautiful verses praising Lord Rama and others too like Lakshmana, Seeta, Hanuman and Valmiki and is a prayer to Lord Rama to protect the reciter.
One shloka towards the end is special. It goes thus –
रामो राजमणिः सदा विजयते रामं रमेशं भजे रामेणाभिहता निशाचरचमूः रामाय तस्मै नमः । रामान्नास्ति परायणं परतरं रामस्य दासोस्म्यहं रामे चित्तलयस्सदा भवतु मे भो राम मामुद्धर ॥
This shloka is special as it contains all the Vibhaktis (inflections) of the Samsrkita grammar and means
रामः राजमणिः सदा विजयते। | 1st Vibhakti – Nominative Case - कर्ताकारकः | Rama, the jewel among Kings is always victorious |
रामं रमेशं भजे । | 2nd Vibhakti – Accusative Case - कर्मकारकः | I worship Rama, who is the Lord of Ramaa (Seeta) |
रामेण भिहता निशाचरचमूः । | 3rd Vibhakti – Instrumental Case - करणकारकः | By Rama, have the mighty armies of Demons been destroyed |
रामाय तस्मै नमः । | 4th Vibhakti – Dative Case - संप्रदानकारकः | I salute this Rama |
रामात् नास्ति परायणं परतरं | 5th Vibhakti – Ablative Case - आपादानकारकः | Beyond Rama, there is nothing worth worshipping |
रामस्य दासः अस्मि अहम् । | 6th Vibhakti – Genitive Case - संबन्ध | I am Rama’s servant |
रामे चित्तलयः सदा भवतु मे । | 7th Vibhakti – Locative Case - अधिकरणकारकः | May my mind be always absorbed in Rama |
भो राम! माम् उद्धर । | Vocative Case - संबोधन | Oh Rama, uplift me! |
In one simple shloka, BudhaKaushik Rishi has given us the means to meditate on Lord Rama, as well as memorize all the Vibhaktis – an important part of Samskrita grammar.
This Ram Navami (on Wednesday 17th April), choose any one character you like from the Ramayana and think of one quality you relate with him/her that you would want to imbibe in yourself. And work towards adding it to your character!
Our Purana-kathas need not remain just myths or stories for us, but can be a guiding light in our life journey!
Yesterday we were fortunate to hear Geet Ramayan from Shridhar Phadke at Thane itself.
Amazing exp
Aai Baba had the whole GR on LP records.
Had heard it all in sudhirP voice countless times
Was a good remi Der of the rickness left for us by GaDiMa n Babu
Good one Praju but the starting part read like my lady doth protest too much methinks
What I liked was the suggestion to imbibe one characteristic of one character one identies with
Second, I used to say Ramo Rajamani..shlokaa by rote. First time I understood the meaning. Thanks for that